Monday, January 5, 2009

Chapter 5 - Discovering Lady Jun

Book: Legend of the Longsword Master
Author: Huang Yi
Chapter 5 - Discovering Lady Jun

Fireworks burst in the dark night sky blinding people who were already forgetting the recent excitement and were leaving to find a new pleasure.  I shoved my way through several people, but  when a young woman boldly began to grope my body I pushed her away and dodged into a side street.  After running for a while I escaped from the mass of people surrounding me.  The second I was able to relax an alarm went off in my head.

I was in a dark secluded alley, but I could still faintly hear the roar of the crowds on the main streets.  I felt an aura of death approaching me, when I saw the reflection of fireworks off a sword in someones hand.

“BOOM!”  A fiery explosion ignited, bathing the alley in a pulsing red light.  My heart went cold, and with a hum my sword was already in my hand.

From both sides warriors were approaching, who I noticed were Na Ming’s people.  They were obviously here to avenge Na Ming.

I did not want them to close their trap, because I would be at a serious disadvantage if they surrounded me.  I let out a shout and like a leopard I jumped toward the side that had the most people.  Usually the group that has the fewest people also has the fighters with the highest martial skill.  

Two swords rushed to meet each other.  I said nothing as I concentrated on raising the killing intent in my heart.  The only strategy that flashed through my mind was to injure my opponents.  Like lightning my sword flashed and two throats disappeared.  This part of the alley was only wide enough for three people to stand shoulder to shoulder making it difficult to dodge, and also difficult to maintain momentum with the sword.  It looked like it would be entirely too easy to get injured in this situation.  Fortunately it was even more of a disadvantage for a large group of people.  A life saving strategy suddenly began to form in my mind.  If they are Na Ming’s friends, then it is only natural that they would be angry and want to avenge his death, but I was still not convinced that they would be willing to sacrifice their own lives just to get revenge.

Both men turned pale with fright as I withdrew my strike just enough not to cause injury and they immediately retreated while trying to defend themselves.  That simple retreat became the key to total victory or complete defeat.

I continued to press my advantage by following with several more powerful and heavy strikes to trick them into thinking they would be injured at any moment.  They were utterly defeated as if a mountain had crumbled to the ground.  They were a pitiful site as their panic pushed them into a full retreat.  As soon as they crashed into the group behind them they were dispersed and my victory was assured.  Of the three torches they carried, two fell to the ground.

I had finally gained the advantage, but there was another group of seven rushing towards me.  They were about eight paces away from me when they ran headlong into the already defeated group.  I immediately executed a series of murderous moves.  Within the small space it looked like a poisonous viper slithering into a hole.

Six or seven of the enemy suddenly collapsed on the ground, while the rest scrambled toward the alley entrance.  I immediately pursued them.  With a shout I finally emerged from the alley back onto one of the main streets.  The sword was returned to its scabbard.

As I caught up to my pursuers they felt an intimidating presence arriving causing them to be petrified with fright.  Their faces registered a look of horror as they finally realized that my victory over Na Ming was a display of true power and not just luck.

“Stop!” shouted a female voice.  My enemies scattered in confusion and quickly disappeared.

I looked towards the sound of the voice.  There was a pair of bright, beautiful eyes staring right at me.  Hua Qian!  It was the beautiful head of the female warriors that left with Lady Li Qing Jun.  Behind her were a group of female warriors.  It was a majestic sight.  She already graciously helped me before, and I have nothing against her.  Above all she possesses a heroic spirit that makes her both beautiful and scary at the same time.

Hua Qian approached me and coldly sized me up.  I felt my male pride rise and I didn’t shrink from her gaze at all.  A strange sense of astonishment flashed through her eyes.  Knitting her brow she said, “Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?”  A felt a trickle of fear run through me.  I knew she recognized my expression.  I could only pray that she wouldn’t see through my mask.  I coldly replied, “In Moon City who doesn’t know me?”  Hua Qian smartly replied, “Even if you are Na Ming’s replacement if you don’t watch how you speak Na Ming will be your mirror.”

I was elated by what I heard.  My plan was successful and Lady Li Qing Jun had already issued a command.  She was summoning the man who had won a hundred vicious battles.  Hua Qian had just pointed out that I was now Lady Jun’s new plaything, but only a plaything, and that one day I would die just like Na Ming.  She wouldn’t even shed one tear if that happened, and I couldn’t help wondering if maybe she had sent Na Ming’s friends to try and kill me.

With a gentle expression I looked deeply into her eyes, “If winter comes, then spring won’t be far behind.  Life is also like this.  Thank you for your advice.”

Hua Qian was stunned.  She never expected me to speak such a philosophical phrase.

I spoke, “Should we be going?”  Hua Qian was suddenly aroused from deep thought and waved her hand towards Lady Jun’s beautiful carriage.  We were on our way.

I got into the carriage with her.  Both female warriors and black helmet warriors protected the carriage as we galloped off toward Lady Jun’s palace at the center of Moon City.

Something seemed strange here.  Why did she get into the carriage with me?  This meant that she was one of the Lady’s most favored people.

Within the carriage Hua Qian’s eyebrows were deeply knit while she deeply contemplated something.  I enjoyed observing her.  My eyes soon wandered to the scenery outside the carriage.  There were noticeably less people out on the streets.  Ma Yuan once told me that the Moon City walls had seven different army camps.  Three of them were located on the West wall by Moon River where Moon City bordered with Mo Nu.  Two more were to the east and the final two were at Lady Jun’s palace.  The seven camps were all led by the leader of the black helmet warriors.  The other camps were also designated one of remaining seven colors of the rainbow such as Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.  As a result the people of Moon City started calling them the rainbow army and the leader was designated as the rainbow leader.  The total military strength was 70,000 people that they used to resist the might of Mo Nu.  Hua Qian was only allowed to have 1000 female warriors to serve under Lady Jun.  The rainbow leader had no authority over them, so although they were few in number they were actually very powerful.

The carriage arrived at the road leading to Lady Jun’s palace.  There were guards everywhere and security was tight.

Moon Lake was barely visible in the distance.  Lady Jun’s moon palace was built on an island in the middle of the lake.  The main hall rose up high with the rest of the palace surrounding it.  There appeared to be many other distinct buildings clearly visible.  It was said that Lady Jun gave the order that no other building could be more than half as tall as the palace.  Looking at Lady Jun’s palace one might think that she wanted to rule the entire world.  Judging by this a little more can be know about Lady Jun.  Although she may have a beautiful body, she obviously has a complicated mind as well.

Beside the main hall were eight secondary palace halls surrounding the main hall in a circle, crisscrossed with many pavilions and shade trees linked together by long corridors making it appears as if it was one single entity.  The main hall and the secondary halls were surrounded by tall thick walls, it was certainly well fortified.  Ma Yuan said that Lady Jun’s palace would be a fierce place, but it was like ascending into heaven.  Just breaking through the walls to capture Lady Jun’s palace would not be so easy.  Leading up to the palace were four large man made lakes.  The carriage was currently passing over one at that moment.  I want to destroy the empire and shake up their confidence, with just the ruins drawn on the map what kind of power could they possess that could possibly help me do that?

The bottom of the lake was clearly visible.  The fish appeared to swim and soar amusing themselves.  I suddenly had a strange idea.  The two most important people in the empire, both the Emperor and Lady Li Qing Jun, built the palace within the lakes and according to what Qi Bei said the palace of Mo Nu is also built on a lake.  This isn’t just a simple coincidence, there must be another startling secret.  The carriage began to slow down.

Without realizing it we had already finished the long journey across the lake.  Passing over the lowered draw-bridge we went through the palace gate and entered in to the palace.

I heard Hua Qian say, “What is your name?”  I was caught off guard and nearly blurted out “Lan Te”, but fortunately I was clever enough to immediately reply, “Divine Strength King”.

Hua Qian coldly said, “Is that really your name?”  Not yielding to her at all I fixed her with an icy stare, “I am already used to it, a name is nothing more than a way for people to identify each other,  what does it matter what I call myself.”

Surprisingly Hua Qian didn’t get angry but instead said in a low voice, “I remember where I have seen you before.”

The sudden shock that I felt in my I heart I was able to conceal and not a ripple showed on my face.  I didn’t even blink my eyes, this was the most critical moment, it was not good with an impending disaster looming, but I knew that Hua Qian was bluffing.  If she knew my real identity she would have already given the order for my capture, which is why she used such an unusual method to observe my reaction.  I gave her a sweet smile and warmly said, “We were brought together by fate, maybe we were married in our past life.”

Hua Qian’s face sank, but fortunately at that moment the carriage stopped and we had arrived.  She coldly grunted and was the first to leave and  I followed her out .  The carriage had stopped at the main entrance inside a large courtyard.  Several pretty maids came to meet us and bowed to Hua Qian, however they did not fail to size up this new addition to the ‘Pampered Men’.  Hua Qian said, “You follow them inside.  If you are not under Lady Jun’s order you cannot walk about randomly.  If you disobey this command then don’t blame me for being merciless.”

I deliberately ran my eyes up and down her body several times with a lecherous look.  She had a scowl on her face when I turned to walk in to the palace door.

“Stop!” came Hua Qian’s delicate shout from behind.  I paused to turn around, while the palace maids suddenly became scared.  They all quickly withdrew to the side.  Hua Quian’s left hand was resting on her sword, her apricot eyes were wide open.

I stared at her coldly, staring straight into her eyes.  I did this intentionally because I had to follow my intuition.  She stared back at me with a strangely emotional look in her eyes.  Maybe she didn’t understand what was happening, but I had to take advantage of this making it difficult for her to think about things calmly and possibly discovering my identity.  Although it is a risky strategy, it is also the key to my survival.

With a loud shout she said, “Don’t dare run your lecherous eyes over me a second time.”  My cold face suddenly transformed into a warm sunny smile, “The sword is used to kill people that hate you, not people that admire you.”  I turned around and left.  As I was led into the magnificent building Hua Qian said nothing else, nor did she come with us either.

The smart palace maids left clothes waiting for me after my bath.  Finally I was able to recline on a large luxurious bed and soon after I fell asleep for about three hours.  When I opened my eyes sunshine was radiating through the windows and sparkled off the marble floor.

I was so comfortable I almost heaved a sigh of contentment.  I only hoped that this wasn’t Na Ming’s room and that I didn’t just sleep in his bed.

The sleep restrained my spirit and now I had the confidence to cope with whatever came my way.  I jumped out of bed, walked out of the room and what I saw was pleasing to the eye.  It was a magnificent hall and over in the corner were two of the maids that brought me to this room who were playing chess.  I was genuinely happy to see them there.  “So you finally woke up.  Lady Jun came to see you last night, but when she saw that you had already fallen asleep, she left.”

I was shocked, because I am alert even when I sleep and will wake up at the slightest disturbance.   How was it possible that Lady Li Qing Jun came to see me and I was not aware of her.  Because of that I had to find out how she did it, so I smoothly said, “When will Lady Jun come again?”

Both maids invited me to go back into the room where they gave me new clothes, combed my hair and washed my face while saying, “An important person from the empire came and she is afraid that she might not be able to see you for some time.”  Who could it be?  Was it Ge Zhan, Black Widow, or perhaps one of the Premiers?

I asked with a genuine voice, “Lady Jun’s palace is so beautiful, do you think you can give me a tour?”

The pretty maids slyly replied, “You haven’t even asked us our names and you want to make requests like that.”

Although they had a reproachful tone, their faces had an expression of shy tenderness (但眉目间却春意盎然 - Spring in the air expression [I spent too long thinking about how to translate this stupid expression]).  The maid with bold  eyes covered her mouth and began to giggle while she observed my reactions from the corner of her eyes.  Becoming used to their flirtatious behavior I couldn’t resist, “May I ask the esteemed lady’s names?”  The taller maid said, “My name is Lu Yi Si and she is named Luo Di.  Come!  Lets take a stroll.”  I followed them to the large courtyard where we had arrived last night.  There were towering trees reaching into heaven.  Walking among the trees the scenery was pleasant, interspersed with wide horse paths for riding.  We walked toward an ornately decorated building.

Lu Yi Si said, “This is the North, East, South, West, Four Points Concubine Palace.  Within each house lives a male concubine, but only at Lady Jun’s express wishes.  They are not allowed to leave the Concubine Palace.”  I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.  I would have never imagined that I would go from being a generational sword master, and due to this strange combination of circumstances, to being a male concubine with a ridiculous status.  Now wasn’t the time to start feeling sorry for myself, I silently began to consider the situation.  Maybe I could make use of the tall main palace hall to calculate the distance between the buildings which would prepare me to steal the Canon of Wisdom.  Luo Di said, “Lady Jun has already authorized you to live in the Concubine Palace.  It looks like she is already very fond of you.  You may even become like Na Ming one day and be able to come and go from the palace whenever you want.”

My heart skipped a beat.  Yes that is the most important thing.  By all means possible I must gain the trust of Lady Jun, otherwise I will never take a step into the palace.

In this manner the day passed by.  Lu Yi Si and Luo Di washed and changed me into my sleeping gown.  They both looked at me longingly and it seemed to me that they wanted me to invite them to stay the night.  It appeared as if Lady Jun didn’t prohibit the maids from having intimate relationships with the Pampered Men, otherwise they wouldn’t be so bold to act like this.  I did not change my expression and they retreated discouraged, but they couldn’t hide the disappointment on their faces.  Just before Luo Di left she lit a stick of incense by the bed.  I had a sudden thought and said, “I don’t like incense.”  Lu Yi Si answered for Luo Di, “This is one of Lady Jun’s rules.  Above all she loves the smell of this incense.”  With a resentful look on her face she turned and left with Luo Di.

It was a large and luxurious room, but I was all alone.  I walked over to the stick of incense and watched the wisp of smoke rising.  A took a deep whiff of the smoke and immediately felt my mind get fuzzy.

I took a step back and finally understood why I slept so deeply last night.  It was the effect of this incense, but I still can’t extinguish it because Lady Jun would see how knowledgeable I am and that would make her suspicious of me.

I remembered how Qi Bei dealt with the Sorcerer’s confusion fragrance.  I quickly opened the cloth bundle I had brought with me, took a packet of powder out of a hidden pocket and rubbed it under my nose.  After taking another whiff of the incense I didn’t experience any of the previous effects.  I made a pretty good guess.  This incense also came from the hateful hands of the Sorcerer.

I laid down and fell soon fell asleep.  I don’t know for how long I slept, but I was suddenly awakened.  I was careful not to open my eyes and pretended to still be under the effects of the incense.

Light and graceful footsteps approached my bed.  I heard two different voices, and they were close enough that I could smell a woman’s perfume.

A feminine voice said, “Hua Qian, did you find anything out about his background?”  Hua Qian’s voice responded, “Yes my lady, everything should be fine.” I was relieved.  Ma Yuan was really capable.  If they had been able to link the Divine Strength King to a false identity, how would I be able to fight against the empire.

With a sigh Lady Jun said, “I hope he will be better than Na Ming.”  Hua Qian was silent.  I really wanted to see her face.  “You want me to wake him up?”  Lady Jun thought silently for some time before sadly responding, “Tonight I had to deal with Ge Zhan and that Black Widow woman.  It has already made me very tired.  Tomorrow morning when Ge Zhan goes to examine the situation on the Mo Nu border you can take advantage of the situation and bring him to see me in the palace.”

Hua Qian gave an affirmative reply.  After a short silence Lady Jun’s beautiful voice spoke, “He is not very handsome, but he has a heroic bearing,  and brilliant sword skills.  It would probably be better if I gave him to you to as a husband.”

My heart began to beat wildly.  On the one hand I was afraid of being outright rejected by Hua Qian.  It would be a huge blow to my pride as a man.  On the other hand I was afraid that she would follow through with her promise, then my plan to steal the Canon of Wisdom will have come to nothing.

Hua Qian said in a weak voice, “Is that your command?  If not, then I refuse.”

Even I could hear that she was trying to hide her affection for the Divine Strength King.  Love is one of the most difficult things to comprehend.  Even though I had repeatedly offended her, I still somehow found her favor.  Lady Jun’s silvery laughter rang out, “For the first time your heart has been moved.  Never before have you responded when I made a request like this.  Based on that alone I can tell that this is an exceptionally charming man.  Take him to see me tomorrow at the Wisdom Palace.  If you change your mind, let me know.”

Hua Qian was silent.  That was the second time Lady Jun mentioned the Wisdom Palace.  I wonder if it has any relationship with the Canon of Wisdom.  Footsteps faded away, but I didn’t dare open my eyes so I slept until dawn.  The two pretty maids took good care of me until about noon when Hua Qian arrived alone.  With a cold face she said, “Lady Jun asks to see you, come with me.”  On the outside she looks cold and ruthless, but after last night I know that her heart is burning hot for me.  Of course I couldn’t do anything that might change the decision she made last night or my whole plan will be wasted.

I purposely feigned surprise and used a lustful expression, “Really!”  When she saw my eagerness to meet Lady Jun a disappointed look flashed through her eyes but she soon regained her calm.  She unenthusiastically said, “The carriage is waiting at the door ... “ she was not able to finish what she was saying because I immediately moved toward the door as if I were impatient to go.  That move was calculated to make sure she gave up all hope for me.

Hua Qian said, “Wait a minute!”  Surprised, I stopped.

Hua Qian said in Lu Yi Si’s direction, “You two go first, I have  few words to say to the Divine Strength King.”

The maid had a strange look in their eyes, and it looked like there was some anxiety.  She was probably scared that Hua Qian was going to punish me for offending her earlier, but she had no choice but to walk to the door.  

Hua Qian slowly approached me.  She stared into my eyes.  I knew in my heart that this was not good, but I had no way to retreat.

With a sigh Hua Qian’s eyes suddenly became gentle, “Have you seen Lady Jun yet?”


“You haven’t ever seen her, which means you aren’t infatuated with her, so you must be here for fame, power, and position.  Your talent and skill are both promising.  In order for someone to become an ‘imperial concubine’ they would have to kill Na Ming first.  Although the pampered men can strut around arrogantly, the truth is they have no real power.  You are a fairly smart person, don’t you find this strange?”

I carefully responded with a genuine tone, “As far as I am concerned life is just a game to me.  From one moment to the next, I never know what I am going to do, so why would I care about something like that?  Right now the thing that I want to do the most is meet Lady Jun.  Anything besides that I don’t even want to think about.  As for tomorrow, who cares about that?”

Hua Qian’s face turned ice-cold, “I should probably tell you that the carriage is at the main entrance.  If you get in you can see Lady Jun.”  I hardened my heart towards her and walked out the door and got in the carriage.  After a short drive we arrived at another building and four female guards escorted me to the Wisdom Palace.

Large round stone pillars supported a wide palace hall.  The walls and floors were all constructed with large square stones, giving people a general sense of solidness.  A woman with a beautiful body was laying on a carved bed inlaid with gold and draped with soft skins.

I stood there proudly, “Divine Strength King to see Lady Jun.”  She turned her delicate body, as soon as her gaze fell upon me the four female guards left closing the door behind them.  

Although I was well prepared, yet her gorgeous beauty still sent waves coursing through my heart.  She possessed a soul sucking beauty, the kind of beauty that is timeless.  She could easily rouse a man’s most primitive desires.  No wonder Na Ming was willing to become her pet and even sacrifice his own life for her.

What shocked me was not her beauty, but her age.  All the premiers of the empire are from my father’s generation.  Since Lady Li Qing Jun is one of the premiers as well as the emperors younger sister she should be at least over forty years old, but no matter how I look at her she can’t be more than twenty four or twenty five years old and full of youthful energy.

I sized her up, while she observed me.  In a sweet voice Lady Jun finally said, “Didn’t you want to meet me?  Now that I am here do you have any requests?”  Lustful desires sprang from her eyes and flowed into my blood.  I controlled my emotions while shooting a cold light from my eyes before lightly saying, “What if I discovered your true purpose and only wanted to kill you.  Wouldn’t Lady Jun be in a dangerous position?”

Lady Jun was shocked but soon a trembling smile reached her face.  With a gasp she said, “You are really daring to say such outrageous things.  I can honestly tell you...”

I interrupted her, “Don’t tell me.  Under the stairs behind you are a dozen soldiers waiting to ambush me, I can hear their breathing.”

Lady Jun’s expression turned cold as she said severely, “That is correct there is a small door over there.  Alas, this display of your ability won’t do you any good.”

I looked up and let out a long laugh.  After a while I confidently continued, “I have already won a hundred victories.  In addition to possessing your body, I only have one other request.”

Lady Jun’s gaze kept sliding back to me.  Last night I found out that she most appreciated my heroic bearing, so I spoke that way deliberately to touch her heart.

In a low voice Li Qing Jun said, “Although you are an excellent swordsman if you offend me I guarantee that you will never leave this Wisdom Palace.”

Although her voice was hard, in her eyes flashed a look of appreciation.  I knew now that she would have a hard time leaving.  “Clang!”

The sound of my sword rang out.  As soon as it was in my hand she looked on as I moved into a thousand sparkling lights.  I swiftly stopped it next to my neck and said, “As long as you order it I will move my sword and cut my neck to prove my loyalty to you.”

Stunned Lady Jun said, “Really?”  I fixed her with a determined look and stared into her eyes.

Her full chest sharply rose and fell, as she clearly allowed my sudden outburst.  The soldiers that were hiding appeared while she regained control of her emotions.

She sighed, “Put your sword down.”  Without a word I tossed my sword to the floor which made a loud ringing sound when it landed.  Lady Li Qing Jun stood up, her soft gown stuck closely to her body, the tinkling of her jewels floated about, complimenting her gorgeous body and she gracefully began to move.  She clapped her hands and the twelve guards that had appeared filed through a door behind her to the left and in the blink of an eye there was only me and her.

As Lady Li Qing Jun turned her back to me her shoulder shook every so slightly and time seemed to stop for an instant.  All her life she had the power to control and even kill millions of people.  No one had ever dared speak to her like this before.  I withdrew my assault and carefully watched her.  Since she was already overwhelmed with orders she was angry, but at the same time she was feeling the fresh sensation of something new and exciting.    Thinking back to what was said last night, when I faked being under the effects of the confusion fragrance, she unknowingly confided her impressions of me, otherwise I would have never dared to use such a dangerous method to win her heart.  I slowly walked over to her.

I arrived at her back and moved closely to her body.  As I felt myself come into contact with her I couldn’t resist reaching out to embrace her tiny waist.  I pressed my palm against her soft, flexible belly and felt a wave of heat pass through my hand.  I knew she also felt the same wave pass into her body.

She struggled lightly before melting into my arms.  Turning her head back she moved her lips toward me.  Those delicate lips, dripping with desire, met mine.  Although my plans put me against her, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of ecstasy pass through me as my most primitive desires were awakened.  Psychologically she was my enemy and the ever present hatred stored up deep in my heart suddenly began to pour out.  I violently tore her clothes off and in the middle of the palace hall, like a pair of wild animals, I made her body mine.

In my wild attack, the precious body of the exalted Lady Jun was turned into nothing more than a placating prostitute.  In order to avenge my family, Qi Bei, and Xi Qi I had turned into a person who would do anything for revenge.

The most important thing right now was to completely conquer her.  Once I had her total trust I could steal the canon of wisdom, go to the ruins in Mo Nu and find the means to destroy the empire.  Although the road had been long and bitter, I was still moving forward.

That night I returned to the concubine palace.  The Lady Jun’s heart was still overflowing with the sweetness we shared in our union.  She was truly an extremely moving rarity.  As I observed her expression, I could tell that my strategy had been successful.

Before I went to sleep the two maids lit the confusion incense again, but this time I was well prepared.  Using the antidote I smeared it under my nose, and sure enough around midnight Lady Jun and Hua Qian came to my bed.  They stood by my bed in silence.  After a long time Lady Li Qing Jun faintly gasped, “Hua Qian!  Make sure nothing ever happens to this man.”

Hua Qian softly replied, “Lady Jun!  I didn’t know, but he appears to be an extraordinary man.  His eyes carry a sad expression, as if his mind is overburdened with many things.”  Lady Jun said, “If that is the case, then why won’t you consider making him your husband?”  Hua Qian paused and said, “You are the only one he thinks about, if he is forced it would be meaningless.”

Li Qing Jun was quiet for a long time.  Suddenly she broke the silence, “Hua Qian, kill him.  Make sure you do it quickly, I don’t want him to suffer unnecessarily.”

Hearing that sentence I was so scared I almost jumped out of bed.  Earlier in the day I possessed her completely, and now only ten hours later she wanted to kill me.  What kind of woman was this?

Hua Qian was stunned, “Lady Jun!”  

Unconcerned Li Qing Jun said, “That is my command.”  


Hua Qian’s sword already left it’s scabbard.  Of course I couldn’t take it anymore and I simply laid there stunned, waiting for death.

All she had to do was to push down and Hua Qian’s sword would pierce me through, but she suddenly didn’t follow through.  I could take advantage of her abrupt stop to subdue her, and then Lady Jun.  Then I could force them to lead me to the Canon of Wisdom, but  in order to enact this plan I would have to know how high Lady Jun’s martial skill is.  Success would not be easy, because Ge Zhan, Black Widow, and other powerful figures are here too.  Even if I could subdue Lady Jun, I would be a step away from disaster at every turn.  Hua Qian suddenly cried out, “Lady Jun, can’t you ask someone else to do this?”  Her voice was trembling revealing the affection she held for me in her heart.  Our contact had actually been very limited, so I couldn’t understand why she was treating me like this.  She was always arrogant and looked down on men, so I guess that once she fell in love she would be more passionate than the average person.

Li Qing Jun’s cold voice rang out, “This is my command!”  There was a short burst of suffocating silence.

Hua Qian shouted out as she raised her sword up into the air.  My whole body became tense as I tried to estimate where her sword would strike.  If she tried to kill me in the quickest way possible, the best method would be to cut my head off.  Her sword fell.  My biggest wish was to open my eyes and stand up.

“Stop!” Lady Jun commanded.  I was still fighting the urge to move and avoid the blow.  The sword fell and stopped, resting on my throat.  I remained unmoving, but the cold edge of the sword made me feel as if I walked into an ice-house.

Li Qing Jun was breathing rapidly.  I suddenly felt a surge of regret in my heart.  If the command to halt Hua Qian’s sword had delayed just a little bit, then my life would be pouring out through a split neck.  I had no power to resist.  Life or death was no longer in my hands.

Hua Qian sucked in a nervous breath.  With a sigh Li Qing Jun exclaimed, “Sheath your sword.”


The sword went back into it’s sheath.  Hua Qian said nothing.  Like she was talking to herself Li Qing Jun spoke, “You know why I want you to kill him?”

“Lady Jun!  I dare not guess.”

“For the last four years you have been my top female warrior, and during that time I have thought of you like a little sister as well, what couldn’t we say to each other?.”

Hua Qian whispered, “In the past whenever it came to men in Lady Jun’s heart, they only seemed to be an amusing toy, just like Na Ming, and only as long as those toys entertained you.  However, this Divine Strength King could possibly conquer Lady Jun, and that is why you wanted to kill him.  You did not want to be his captive in love.”

Hua Qian knew better than anyone else Lady Jun’s hidden thoughts, because she had already become my prisoner of love, long ago.  If my father Lan Ling knew that his son would play such a game with love, I wonder how he would feel.  I felt a smile form in my heart.

Li Qing Jun said, “Then why didn’t I kill him?”  Hua Qian replied, “I am puzzled by that.”  Lady Jun’s footsteps rang out as she paced back and forth across the room while she pondered this question.  When men and women were involved in such issues even the people who were involved had a hard time understanding it.  Li Qing Jun stopped saying, “If I killed him now he would leave an imposing image behind within my heart, then I would cherish his memory, suffer insomnia, and my body would waste away.  If that happened he would be victorious again, but if I let him live I give him an opportunity to show his weakness.  I would then gradually grow to hate him, and at that time I could kick him aside with no lingering attachment.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, in all the world there was actually a woman like this!  Generally, compared to men, women needed love as nourishment, yet Li Qing Jun saw love as a struggle, which is also why she is such a rare creature.  Now that I knew exactly how much she loved me, I realized that she was going to be a great help in stealing the canon of wisdom.

Li Qing Jun said, “Hua Qian, why are you so silent?”  She whispered, “I don’t know what to say.”  Li Qing Jun sighed again as she changed to topic, “The top army generals will arrive no later than tomorrow evening, so you have to prepare a welcoming ceremony.  I really don’t understand why they are spending so much effort for the son of Lan Ling.  Although Mo Nu is relatively small, they shouldn’t be taken lightly.  We have confronted them seven times and not once have we been able to gain even the slightest advantage.”

I strained to hear more hoping that she would keep talking.  Instead Li Qing Jun said, “It is late!  Time to rest.”  Hua Qian said, “Do you want me to wake him up?”

Li Qing Jun softly said, “Let me do it.”  In the direction of Hua Qian footsteps were leaving the room.

Li Qing Jun approached the bed and sat down.  Extending her delicate hands she began to gently stroke my face.  The Divine Strength King mask was exceptionally made so I was not worried that she would discover the secret.

A pungent odor reached my nose.  I began to stir my body before I suddenly opened my eyes to see Li Qing Jun pretending to hold cold expression in her beautiful eyes.

I already knew her true feelings, so I wasn’t deceived by her detached expression.  I reached my arm out and hooked it around her neck, firmly pulling her face to mine.

I heard the first songs of birds as I sealed her lips with mine.  I really enjoyed kissing her because she was able to make men feel as if she was a loveable creature.

I suddenly thought about Lady Jun, Xi Qi, Black Widow, and Hua Qian, and compared to Bai He Hua [I believe this is the emperor’s daughter mentioned in an earlier chapter] they are all top class beauties.  Although I have never seen Bai He Hua’s face her allure and charm is far above any of the others.  If I ever get the opportunity I must see her true appearance.

What followed next was the extreme pleasure a man and a woman share as we began to have sex.  I do not know how Lady Jun acted when she was with the other “pampered men”, but when she was under my body she engaged wholeheartedly.  Her lack of reservations really flattered me.

At this moment she was a beautiful woman head over heels in love.  At this point in time nobody would believe that she could be as vicious and poisonous as a viper.  When my father was still alive he used to say that each person had many faces and hearts.  As long as you looked for it, even the most brutal people could love and be benevolent.  The Lady Jun that I was with now was undeniably the most attractive side she had to offer.

Although I have an ulterior motive, I still need to guard against being swept up in the passion burning hotly in her.

When I woke up in the morning she was still tightly wrapped around me like an octopus.  I sighed.

She immediately woke up and suspiciously looked at me with her beautiful eyes saying, “Why did you sigh?”

Although she just woke up her breath was still like an orchid, which means her physique was far better than an ordinary person.  With strong emotion I said, “What if war didn’t exist in this world and there was only love, wouldn’t that be great?”  In my mind I was thinking of my father, my family, Xi Qi, and Qi Bei who were all victims of hatred.  One day when my identity is exposed the embracing arms of this lovely young woman, will also cruelly put me to death.

Like a white cloud or a fly on a dog, the things of the world will always change.  Lady Jun gently left my arms and got out of bed.  Last night she threw her robe on the ground next to the bed.  The muscles of her back were tight forming perfect lines that should never be changed.  Her skin was radiant and glimmered until her seductive body was concealed in the robe.  Only then was I able to breath normally again.  Glancing back at me she smiled, which looked like a peony bursting into full bloom.  I hopped out of bed and came up behind her.

She jumped in surprise and moved a few steps away.  The fog of love left her eyes clouded, but she quickly regained her calm.  I weakly said, “Lady!  I have a request.”

She frowned, “Don’t make arrogant demands, I can make you rich and powerful, but I can also take everything away from you.”  She was still wary of me.

I knew that the only way to win her heart was to make a different request than what she usually heard the first time.  Both in spirit and in essence I cannot allow her to think that I have attached myself to her like some kind of parasite.

I raised my eyebrows and looked deeply into her eyes, “Life is too short and will pass by quicker than I can snap my fingers.  If you want you can spend the whole day keeping track of other people, still there are more interesting things we could do.”

A mocking look flashed across Li Qing Jun’s face, “For you life is like that, but not for me.  There are somethings in this world that if you don’t take care of them they will destroy your dreams.”  I was startled by this.  There seemed to be a much deeper meaning to what she was saying, but I wasn’t sure what it could be.

She turned to leave the room.  As she walked out the door she said, “In hateful world, kindness is only for the weak.  If you don’t ride on other people, they will trample you under their feet.”

Clang! Surprised Li Qing Jun turned around to stare at my sword that had left the sheath.  I faintly said, “If you do not listen to my request then I will kill my way out of this cheap house and go back to my free life.”

An angry light shot from her eyes.  With an icy voice she said, “You have to force your way out?”

“There are three things that I am not afraid of.  I am not afraid of pain, I am not afraid of bloodshed, and I am not afraid of death.”  A change flashed through Li Qing Jun’s eyes, “Do you wish to stop me too?”  I let out a long laugh before staring at her heroically, “Never!  You are the first woman that I have ever loved, no matter how you treat me, I could never hurt you.  My escape is only between your servants and I.”  

Li Qing Jun looked at me in silence as tenderness slowly replaced the anger in her eyes.  She softly leaned against the door saying, “There is actually a stupid egg like you on this earth, speak your request now!”

Stopping while I was ahead I knelt down, “I only ask that Lady Jun set me free.”  With a sigh Li Qing Jun said, “You said that you love me, so why are you making such a request?”

I stood up with a smile, “Who said I am going?  I just don’t want to be another one of your ‘pampered men’.  I wish to come and go as I please instead of being confined to this palace waiting every day for you to summon me, pining every night for you to come to me.”

“Then what kind of person are you?”

I shrugged, “That is up to you to decide.”

Li Qing Jun said, “I really don’t know what to do with you.  You don’t have any outstanding military achievements, but I can’t make any special exceptions just to promote you into the rainbow army.  The palace defenses are under Hua Qian’s care.  Ai!  I guess I have no choice.  For now you will be my temporary bodyguard.”

Once again I knelt down and respectfully said, “Thank you Lady Jun.”  I was suddenly hard, then suddenly soft, suddenly proud, then suddenly humble.  I did it all to make sure she was a confused as possible.

Of course my strongest currency was that she was still completely infatuated with me otherwise even if I knew a thousand different martial arts it would have been useless.

Li Qing Jun said, “Hua Qian will come here to give you some directions.  This evening, in the main hall, there will be a grand banquet to welcome my big brother’s arrival.  You must be careful.  If you offend him, even I can’t protect you.”

My heart was beating wildly until she disappeared through the door.  I had just gained the freedom to act within the palace.  It was the most important component to my success.  I had already agreed to steal the canon of wisdom within seven days and today was already the seventh day.  It can be said that my time was running out.

Although Li Qing Jun gave me freedom, but she will still have somebody secretly watching me.  I still need to tread carefully.  One wrong step will lead to disaster.  After I bathed and dressed, Hua Qian sent someone to take me to the main hall where hundreds of maids and guards were busily preparing for tonight’s banquet.  Compared to the main hall the Wisdom Palace was like a tiny room.  There were twenty-four towering pillars holding up an arched ceiling.  A long table was placed in the middle of the hall, which was big enough to accommodate hundreds of people.  Hua Qian walked over to me and looked at me with complex emotions flitting through her eyes.  Indifferently I said, “Hello.”

Hua Wian stared at me before coldly saying, “How did you manage to get this reward?”  Although she spoke rudely, I carefully observed the rules of etiquette.  At the banquet all the rules would have to be carefully observed.  I could tell that she still had a good impression of me.  It is really difficult to understand a woman’s mind.  According to my calculations she already gave me up to Lady Jun, so she should hate me to the bone by now.  All day long I was under Hua Qian’s guidance touring the entire palace.  When we reached the wisdom palace where I first met Lady Jun Hua Qian reminded me, “Lady Jun has decreed that the wisdom palace is off limits.  It is her resting place and except for when someone is summoned, nobody may enter.  The penalty for disobedience is beheading.”

My mind immediatly began to race.  Apparently underneath the wisdom palace is a hidden room.  Most likely the canon of wisdom has been hidden there. A bold plan began to form in my mind.

I noticed there were a lot of people.  All of them were palace guards.  At last it was nearly sunset and a guard uniform was delivered to me.  After putting it on, I felt a little bit more impressive.

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