Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chapter 1: Escape the Empire

Book: Legend of the Longsword Master
Author: Huang Yi
Chapter 1: Escape the Empire

I ran like mad, rushing towards the concealing canopy of the towering forest, stumbling repeatedly until both my knees finally gave out. I fell forward and sprawled, completely layed out on the ground. My head landed and rested in the ice-cold mud.

For the moment I was temporarily safe.

I couldn't hear the sound of pursuing soldiers. This boosted my confidence; although they will overtake me sooner or later, but if you run away you still have a slim chance of survival. Sitting and waiting for death doesn't follow my disposition. My rapid breathing made it seem as if I could never fill my lungs with air again while intermittent waves of dizziness overtook me. I was moving on sheer willpower alone. I didn't want to be captured like a filthy pig, only to be brought back to face Da Yuan Shou. That tyrant has no regard for human life!

The sound of footsteps was fed to my ear by the blowing wind. The bark of a wicked dog rang out and my heart began to tremble. I naturally put my hand back to grasp the hilt of the long sword that I carry. If it were one on one none of them could beat me, including the one honored, after my father "Blue Mausoleum", as the best swordsman "Black Widow" Lian Lijun. She and I have never fought, but I have perfect self-confidence in my swordsmanship.

With clenched teeth I began to crawl, then I staggered to rush towards knee high grass covering the forest floor. Soon the vegetation all around me was getting more and more dense. I drew out my treasured sword, that was as close to me as flesh and blood, and furiously began to clear an escape path. My muscles quickly became so weary they couldn't move. They were completely numb, and soon only my will kept me going. If I hadn't received strict training in the sword since my childhood, I would already have laid down and given up. Soon I emerged from the dense grass, but my foot suddenly walked on empty air. Originally I was travelling down a gradual slope that ended with and abrupt drop. Exhausted to the point of death how could I possibly do something as simple as keep my balance? A human ball rolled down from the top of the hill, and who knows how many plants were crushed in its path. *SPLASH* I finally fell into an icy cold current of moving water. The water had a vicious current that quickly flushed me down its course. In the blink of an eye it carried me more than a hundred yards.

The sound of pursuing soldiers rapidly disappeared as I was carried far away. I celebrated my good luck, the water would confuse the dog's sense of smell so they won't be able to find me.

Under such good fortune the river carried me. It carried me down a canyon that cut through the forest. As I left the canyon the current began to slow, and I was able to crawl my way ashore. I couldn't lift myself up again and soon I fainted.

When I woke up it was deep into the night, the sky was filled with many stars. The night has probably grown bored as she has watched the silly struggles of countless people against people. But I was in the middle of such a situation and I needed to bravely fight on.

I felt an unprecedented tranquility within my heart. I acted naively to think I escaped such a dangerous situation.  Da Yuan Shou will sacrifice anything to recover that map. I didn't know what the map contained, but I did know it could lead me to a place that can grant one enough power to destroy the entire empire.

What could that thing be? Although my muscles were weary I set out at a crawling pace. I am in far better condition than when I fainted. Outside the canyon I could make out in the starlight a prairie. I walked at the edge of a thinly forested area.

I was suffering from hunger. The most important thing to do tomorrow morning would be to hunt an animal to eat. In the future I will become a fugitive. It will take more than one day to find the "Lost Cemetery" from the map. Only one day on the run means I am still in dangerous territory too.


I felt a strong breeze from the left.

I quickly dodged to evade the flash.

*CHOCK!* The flashing breeze stopped, inserting itself into a tree to my left. A long arrow with its tail still bobbing up and down was left in its wake.

My hand moved, the sword appeared in my left hand. I was secretly startled, if Da Yuan Shou’s soldiers have already arrived then maybe I can use my resourcefulness and talk my way out, but if they want me to go back then I will fight unyieldingly to the death. I have no other options.    

"Yes!" A scream came from the left over ten yards away.

I dropped down approaching the noise that came from the forest. My father Blue Mausoleum has been the top swordsman of the empire for the last 20 years. It looks like luck has come my way.

I must make a statement, and do something worthy of being seen. My tiger father doesn't have a dog son!

The dark shadow quickly moved as I thrust my sword forward.

Under the weak starlight that person appeard to be a flash as they dodged back to a large tree. Staying in the shadows it seemed as if they didn't want me to discover who it was.

I violently thrusted forward changing the stab to a chopping movement. If my strength hadn't been depleted to one tenth of normal that person wouldn't have been able to escape the strike.

The nimble shadow dodged, and countered with an ingenious upward slice, if I were to miss it would be certain death.

I repressed a grunt when the two swords collided and quickly changed to a twisting motion to disarm my opponent. Suddenly a severe pain shot up the muscles of my arm. I cried out miserably, and to my surprise it was my own sword that crashed to the ground. I knew that the muscles in my body were already tired and numb, but I carelessly overused my strength. The muscles that were already weary couldn't handle the force required to swing such a heavy sword around. They finally gave up in convulsions.

I held my left hand with my right, trying to work out the severe pain that would not quit. At the same time I took an anxious step back.

My opponent didn't move in for a strike, but called out instead, "Are you okay?" A clear, pretty, sweet sound rang out that obviously came from a female.

Startled I looked at the woman who walked out from the shadows. Under the faint starlight I could make out the shapely body of a healthy beautiful woman.

Retreating two more steps I said, "Who are you? Why did you shoot at me?"

With a stupid look on her face she replied, "Oh you aren't 'Dragon Chief Shan', forgive me! At firstI thought you were a wild animal so I shot an arrow at you. Generally at this time there is nobody here."

Relieved my anger left me. As long as it wasn't the imperial faction sent to capture me, I could manage it. Also her warm way of speaking caused my hatred to rapidly melt away.

On the eastern horizon dawn revealed a single ray of light. At last Dawn was finally approaching heralded by these faint glimmers. In pain I kneaded my left hip while I appraised her.

She was about 16 to 24 years of age. She had a pretty oval face with large sparkling eyes. She had graceful posture, lustrous hair, and exuded the healthy exuberance of youth. She had a graceful nose that was her most prominent feature, and it appeared that she could willingly soften another person's disposition. In my heart I secretly approve of her. As I silently studied her, she also studied me.

"Oh you were injured." After she said that I felt that an old wound had opened back up and fresh blood was flowing freely.

The blood had already started to soak through my clothes. When I escaped from the imperial palace, I had to confront the emperor's body guards, known as the "Black Helmet Warriors". As they surrounded me I was able to escape, but not before I was wounded by a vicious sword cut.

A dizzy spell overtook me and I teetered between conciousness and a deep coma. I felt her put her hand under my rib, I couldn't afford to fall forward. I felt her gentle and charming body support me. As I began to lose my senses I heard her say, "Let me help you home."

When I woke up again I found that I was in a small room filled with stacks of firewood. Under my back I felt that I was laying on supple and soft hay. I wanted to turn around, but severe pain shot out from my many wounds. All I could do was moan in pain.

A light sound came from the door and I saw her move in sideways. She was wearing a thick white cotton garment. Her face sparkled as if it were gathering in the light. Her two cheeks suddenly turned red, and her strong youthful heat filled the room.

With a voice filled with joy she said, "You are awake. This is the third time I have come to see you."

"How long have I been asleep?" In my heart I was already calculating. The empire's territory is everywhere, but the power is concentrated throughout the "great plains" originating from the Sunrise City.

As long as I could leave the great plains, the chances of being caught were drastically reduced. If I walked, I would have to struggle to get ahead of the pursuing soldiers.

She raised her fingers indicating how long, "You rested for two days and an entire night."

In disbelief I said, "What?"

It was over. If I had really slept for that much time then my enemy had plenty of time to announce the search for a fugitive. I gave up any idea of finding the ruins from the map. She sat down next to me and was very interested in talking to me. She did not say it in words, but she looked at me with intense curiosity.

My belly suddenly failed me as it growled loudly. I looked at her with an embarrassed look. With a faint smile she produced a basket that was hidden next to her. She took the top off and the fragrance of meat assaulted my nose.

Overjoyed I wolfed it down.

She rested her face in her hand and watch me eat with a look of interest on her face.

I asked her, "What is your name?"

"I am named Xi Qi".

"Xi Qi, that is a good name. What were you doing there so late at night?"

She shrugged her shoulders saying, "Practicing sword! For the last two years, every day before sunrise I have gone there without fail to practice my sword skills. Grandfather used to come with me and we would practice together, but now his health isn't good so he can't come."

While she spoke her eyes turned red reflecting strong emotions. I continued to chew the venison in my mouth asking, "Where is your grandfather at?"

"He went to the mountain to gather medicine. We need to put an herbal medicine on your wound or it will be difficult for you to make a speedy recovery."

In a soft voice she continued, "He said you have an extraordinary countenance, a strong capapable body, and the sword you carry could only have been forged by a first class "imperial" artisan. Inevitably you have an important background, so he wanted me to hide you in this wood shed."

A shiver of fear ran through my heart. The eyesight of Xi Qi's grandfather was really good for him to recognize an imperial sword by the shape alone. From that he was able to guess that I am not an ordinary person. Who knows if this is a lucky break, or the beginning of more misfortune.

At this time I felt the bandages on my body. They had been expertly wrapped tight and secure.

Xi Qi suddenly broke the silence, "Others shared their name with you, but you still haven't shared yours."

She stared at me with a deep genuine look on her face. I quickly blurted out, "My name is Lan Te, I am the son of Lan Ling." As I spoke I felt a wave of regret realizing that I shouldn't be revealing my identity if I am a fleeing criminal.

Outside of the room, from a distant place, the sound of a neighing horse was heard. Xi Qi jumped up saying, "I must feed the horse." She was gone by the time she finished talking.

Meanwhile sunlight streamed in from a small window. It filled the wood shed with light and gave a comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. The most important thing for me to do now was to recuperate my body. During that time I could ponder the instructions from the map and try to figure out the location of the "Lost Cemetary".

The door opened and Xi Qi entered with a flushed face and a look of panic. She poked around to my side among a stack of hay and firewood revealing an iron ring. I merely looked ar her in confusion.

Xi Qi grabbed the iron ring pulling and revealed a hollow dome shaped cavity. Because the dome and the floor were the same color and covered with the same materials it was impossible to even notice that it was there.

Xi Qi threw me my longsword while she called out, "Quickly, Hide!"

Although I didn't know why, I absolutely trusted her. She took care of me when she could have taken full advantage of my unconscious state. Also her genuineness and purity gave me such a favorable impression of her that I shrunk into the hole without hesitation.

Inside there was only enough space to hold one person. Xi Qi placed a pile of hay on top of the hiding place, her body then swayed as she moved into the hole as well. Her jade white hands moved to the cover and suddenly the world was instantly dark.

In the small narrow space she tightly squeezed my bosom, her weight was transferred to my butt. Without any inhibitions she moved to sit on my thigh, my face was comfortably bathed in her elegant hair. I breathed in her feminine fragrance that spilled into my mind pentetrating me deeply.

I could vaguely make out separately spaced objects. They appeared to be a tiny, dense row of holes to facilitate breathing so that it would not get too stuffy inside.

About to speak I moved my lips close to her ear. Coincidentally she also wanted to speak and gently moved backward. My lips bumped into her tender smooth earlobe causing her to blush deeply.

She let out a tiny moan as her once stiff body became soft, like cotton, as she melted into my bosom. I couldn't help but react with the most primitive male response. Her body suddenly felt as is if were boiling.

I was about to speak when suddenly a hoofbeat rang out from afar.

Abruptly I was silenced as the desire I once felt was overwhelmed with fright. Had the imperial soldiers come here to capture me?

Outside the woodshed shouting noises were being made. According to the sound there were approximately 15 people. If I was uninjured I wouldn't even blink my eye at this show of force, but with my extensive injuries they have levelled the playing field. I am afraid that they would probably only need about half their force to strike me down now.

*CRASH* suddenly the door of the wood shed was kicked in.

A loud, rough voice called out, "Is there anyone in here?"

Another strangley feminine voice said, "This wood shed obviously looks empty. It is useless to ask when people are trying to hide. Did you think that they would answer you?"

The body in front of me clung even closer. Xi Qi's entire body began to lightly tremble. She obviously feared this mysterious person. This matter suddenly changed my mind, because if she knew this person then naturally it was someone who lived close by and not the imperial soldiers.

Another voice, sharp and high said, "Colonel there is nobody in the house. A group went out to the farmland to search, if the little girl is hiding out there she won't escape."

The rough voice spoke, "Do not underestimate her, that little girl is Old Man Qi's disciple, she has real skill."

The feminine voice said, "I took care of his third and fourth sons. A small little girl won't know one tenth of what they did. I, Colonel Lian, am not afraid of Old Man Qi."

Responding the rough voice said, "If you didn't fear Old Man Qi, then you wouldn't wait for him to climb the mountain before you come to look for his attractive granddaughter. Although she is has a comely appearance, I don't understand how she can compare to the women in town."

The sharp high sound said with a smile in his voice, "The colonel loves breaking in untrained cows. Do you even have to ask?" He finished with an obscene laugh.

Within the hole I tasted something entirely different.

My face was pressed against Xi Qi's tender, smooth cheek. I smelled her orchid breath while I tightly held her hot body to me. While those people were saying such revolting things to the ear, Xi Qi's heart pounded rapidly. She curled her body even more which caused me to feel irritated.

The colonel said, "Move Quickly! Old Man Qi is back, I can't believe that girl escaped my net."

With a confused jumble of sound they quickly left. Xi Qi caused me to suffer with her soft powerless body.

My heart was pounding like mad, as I was overcome by chaotic feeling when I suddenly remembered what had just happened. I called out, "Your grandfather is back."

Xi Qi shook herself to regain her senses and stretched out her hand to open the cover, crawling out.

I felt a wave of emptiness and grabbed my longsword climbing up out of the hole.            

In the room there was nobody left. I wanted to be with the charming daughter Xi Qi whose face was so tender. The accidental intimacy we just shared caused the atmosphere between us to heat up. It went from a charming spring day to an extremely hot summer day. She can't hide it, and my body is still reacting. Suddenly I felt as if more than half of my physical strength was restored.

"Pa!" The door opened reveleaing a man bearing a solemn expression on his face. He was a big man with a solid body, his eyes sparkled as if they contained a divine essence. Taking large strides he entered into the room, and swept his fierce gaze over me. Xi Qi followed behind him lowering her head. She didn't dare look at me, but I could actually see that the base of her ears were still red.

Although the old man's face appeared to be that of a 60 year old, I couldn't find one wrinkle.

I bowed saying, "Many thanks for your graciousness in saving my life."

"You don't need to thank me, if Xi Qi didn't save you then no matter what I wouldn't meddle in other people's business. Especially since you are an imperial person."

My vision naturally wandered to Xi Qi, she just lifted her head and gave me a meaningful glance. I felt that she clearly wanted me to yield. She really has eyes that can speak

I was able to suppress my anger saying, "My physical strength is mostly restored. I would like to get back to the road to continue my journey. I won't trouble your excellency again."

Xi Qi called out in disappointment, "You..."

The old man put out his hand to silence her, and with his low voice said, "You may be able to walk, but within ten days give up any idea of still being free."

My anger began to rise up as I lightly said, "That is my concern, there is no need to trouble yourself, your excellency."

The old man lifted his face up and said, "Good! You have a strong spirit. You are worthy to be the son of Lan Ling."

Startled I looked at him. Who could this person be? How does he recognize me as Lan Ling's son? Xi Qi could have told him, but the probability that she did isn't that great.

I carefully looked at him, from his perplexing bearing, the way he held his sword hand, as well as his low voice, "Your excellency, is your surname Gao?"

He turned his fierce eyes with their mysterious inner light on me and said, "Qi Bei!"

I suddenly retreated a step as a shiver went up my spine. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe that I would meet this legendary figure here today. He was one of the most renowned rebels of the empire.

Qi Bei coldly snorted while he stroked his sleeves. I could see a scar running down one of his arms ending at his wrist, "This is the same sword your father used to give me this scar."

Xi Qi cried out in alarm, her complexion was pallid. It looked like her grandfather and my father shared a huge grudge. It was only natural that her exclamation in my favor would have a positive effect on me. I remembered her scalding hot feminine body and her efforts in getting her grandfather to grant me kindness. I suddenly felt my body warm up and my blood rushing faster. Stretching out my left arm I said, "A father's debt, the son can pay back. My father has reason to face you, and you also have reason to face me, right?"

A smile appeared on Qi Bei's face and there was suddenly a bright ray of electricity. He had already unsheathed the longsword followed by Xi Qi's scream. Immediately I felt colder from my elbow to my wrist as I sighed to myself, "This hand is finished. How will I ever hold a sword again?"

The sword returned to its sheath.

Both of my sleeves immediately fell.

Surprised I lowered my head to examine them. The sleeves were split, but my flesh was still intact. The sword cut only severed the sleeves. Using such power within a hair-breadth is the highest of skill. In the past he worthily shared the same honor and fame as my father.

Xi Qi's fright finally receded, replaced by a grateful look in her eye.

Qi Bei said, "Your ferocious father doesn't have a worthless son! In the past Lan Ling has been devoted and loyal to the emperor. Why has his son become a fugitive that the empire wants to capture?"

Alarmed I replied, "How did you know?"

"Not too long ago I climbed through the mountains to pick medicine. I saw a brigade of the imperial black helmet soldiers carefully searching the mountains and the plains. You also have multiple body wounds, so both of those events together
aren't a coincidence. If they aren't looking for you, then who could they be looking for?" My whole body began to shake, "They finally found me. I need to leave immediately." Qi Bei sneered, "Walk! Walk to your death? In your condition walking ten miles would be a miracle."

Xi Qi grabbed Qi Bei by the arm saying, "Grandfather! Please save him."

As Xi Qi entreated him, she looked at me with her big eyes imploring me not to go. Her gesture caused my heart to soften, and persuaded me not to go.

For the first time Qi Bei reflected a happy expression, but still spoke in a cold manner, "After Xi Qi came back carrying you I hurried to destroy any remains of your passing on the road. I also spread rumors which will divert the soldiers' search towards the borders of Mo Nu. By the time they realize you haven't gone in that direction, they will come back this way, but that will take about ten days."

In my heart I felt grateful. This master of escape used his unparralleled skill to temporarily preserve my life. But thinking on the discussion we just had, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by my stubborn character making me feel unworthy. Awkwardly I look at Xi Qi, and she deeply looked back into my eyes. Secretly I felt overjoyed, with the high hopes that we could be together again soon.

I looked at Qi Bei.

He had already regained the cold look on his face, "Lay down. Xi Qi come help, I need to make his medicine."

That night I had very little rest. The medicine spread on my wounds caused them to ache. I fell asleep with them burning and immediately had a nightmare. I found myself in a torture chamber and my father was covered in wounds. Before he died
he told me to find the ruins from the map. Find the power that they were hiding and overthrow the emperor to liberate the people from his tyranny. Finally close to midnight I was able to sleep soundly.

When I woke up it was late in the morning. Xi Qi had food and was sitting next to me with a big grin on her face.

"Your grandfather?"

Xi Qi shrugged, "He left early this morning, I don't know what he is going to do."

I remembered the colonel from yesterday and asked, "He isn't afraid to leave you alone here? Who is the colonel, and why doesn't he fear your grandfather?"

Xi Qi leaned her head to the side while she unconsciously stroked her long hair with her right hand, "They are the Leaping Tiger Clan of bandits. Originally grandfather ran from the empire arriving here. They also wanted to bully grandfather, but he single handedly went into their temple and vowed that if they harrassed him one more time, he would come back and destroy all of their temple idols. The clan leader made an oath not to harass grandfather anymore." I watched her cute red tongue as she talked, "According to grandfather, at that time I was only one and a half years old. He used to tie me to his back and carry me around, but it affected his motion. If it wasn't for that even your father wouldn't have been able to injure him."

The revelation made me speechless. I felt a wave of shame surge through my heart. How could father attack someone carrying a child on their back? However, now it appears that Qi Bei was right about the empire and father was wrong. Father often grieved over something. Was it because we lived under the empire and he felt guilty towards his friend Qi Bei?            

Xi Qi let out a 'humph' noise before saying, "Over the last year the empire, in order to deal with the country of Mo Nu, have expanded their influence to even reach into this poor mountain valley. The Leaping Tiger Clan was bought and is now an imperial lapdog. Their courage has increased, particularly among the younger generation. Regarding the incident when my grandfather rushed into the temple, they consider it a great insult and shame. Since they cannot provoke my grandfather they have pointed the spear at me. That is why my grandfather was planning to move to another place..."

I interrupted saying, "Does such a paradise exist on this world?"

"Grandfather once had the opportunity to read the 'Canon of Wisdom'. Inside it said that our world is actually a giant sphere, on which are many huge lands surrounded by vast seas. We are actually on one of those many continents."

Dumbfounded I replied, "A giant ball, how could it stand stable?"

"Grandfather and I can't figure it out, but the Canon of Wisdom is never wrong."

I hesitated to speak. Because of the map on the last page of the 'Canon of Wisdom' my father and Qi Bei fought. In the end father's reputation was destroyed and he died miserably.

Suddenly excited Xi Qi said, "How does your body feel? There is a good place past the house up the side of the mountain. Let me take you there to have a look."

I left the woodshed with Xi Qi. Next to it was a stone building, it appeared to be her home. Mountains surround the place covered in jade green trees. It is a tiny hidden mountain valley.

A mountain stream wound its way nearby the little house. Several horses were leisurly grazing in a field next to the stream. Next to the woodshed was a large stone mill with its side full of grain. Next to it should have been some rice fields, but the view was obstructed by the dense foliage of the trees.

So this was the country life. I had lived all my life in a large city, and I found this to be quite refreshing.

I took a deep breath while I silently checked my own condition. I estimated that in eight to ten days I would back to my normal condition. Since childhood I received my father's strictest martial training. Once I layed stark naked in the snow and ice, another time I was sent through the desert without a drop of water. These experienced served to refine and temper my tolerance beyond what ordinary people can handle. It gave me an iron will and an astonishingly high tolerance for pain and misery, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to elude the empire's unescapable net. From here to Sunrise City was about 200 miles. Although I was still in the empire's territory their influence was greatly diminished, therefore my chances of being caught had also greatly diminished. Only if the emperor sent his most fearful general Dehua the "Sorcerer" would I be in extreme danger.

The sorcerer and black widow were both famous, and he was also her lover. Both of them were highly skilled, but I would rather face the latter. The black widow was beautiful like a flower, and toxic as a viper, but she did not possess demonical techniques like the sorcerer that were so hard to predict and withstand.

"Hey! Why aren't you coming?"

I looked at Xi Qi and saw her face was charmingly angry while she reproached me for not following her.

I smiled apologetically and rushed to catch up.

She gracefully and quickly moved down the forest path. She probably never had anyone accompany her, but suddenly I appeared only a few years older than her and am probably her first young friend. She was particularly excited as well as sharing a great affection towards me. Thinking about these things, I can't help but watch the beautiful way in which she carried herself. Golden light reflected off her hair. Most of her hair was held up by a bow, while a small portion hung down and danced gently in the breeze. It gave her a sense of being natural and carefree.

I felt a gentle fire burning in my heart.

Passing out of the forest, I could suddenly see clearly.

A flat strip of barren land nearly a mile long was spread before me. It was scattered randomly with fallen trees. Most likely somebody clearcut this patch of land intentionally, but the people left when they couldn't make anything else grow on the land.

I examined the ground carefully and noticed that it was a yellow color. It was clearly different from the surrounding ground. When I bent down to examine the soil, Xi Qi tenderly shouted, "Oh! Don't do that, this soil is diseased."

"Diseased?" I said surprised.

"If it weren't disead then how could anything planted here also fail to live?"

Stunned into silence I finally spoke, "What kind of logic is that? How is it possible for such a place to exist?"

"Around here there are many diseased fields like this. That is why many people don't want to come to Mount Longshan, because they say it is cursed by a demonic disease. Grandfather said that when he travelled the area for fun, not only did he see many diseased places like this, but he also heard thunder come out of a deep cave. It sounds very scary."

I thought to myself for a while before saying, "Did you lead me here to see this strange place?"

Putting her hand out Xi Qi replied, "Certainly not, come with me."

Her hand was delicate as I felt her warmth. The combination of her speaking that was like a singing bird, and her flowerlike fragrance infatuated my mind. In Sunrise City I dedicated myself wholly to practicing the sword. There were countless beautiful women in the city, but I had never had the opportunity to have an initimate experience. I was also engaged to marry the princess so other women would not dare to even like me. When I remembered the princess I felt a wave of bitterness.

Xi Qi had not spoken, but I noticed the base of her ear was red. Up until now she had unconventionally been holding my hand, but she was unable to withstand the stimulation that arose from this kind of male female contact. My heart beat wildly as I tightly held her hands, secretly hoping she would never let go.

"Look!" Xi Qi cried out.

Following her instructions I looked twoards the mountain as a question escaped my lips, "What is that?"

Xi Qi shrugged, "Maybe a genius would know. Even grandfather has no idea."

At the foot of the mountain there was a huge circular pit. It appeared to be about half a li wide. Under the hole there appeared to be many large stones strewn about as if they had been thrown forcefully from the mouth of the great hole. That wasn't the strangest thing, though.

At the base of the pit were two slanting square bars that were separated by eight feet. Parrallel to the ground they crossed over the pit. When we arrived at the pit we could see more clearly.

Both the front and back of the bars were buried completely in the soil. What they were used for I couldn't begin to imagine.

With a shiver I said, "That is rusting steel and iron."

In the honorable history of the empire, 19 years ago my father Lan Ling and Xi Qi's grandfather Qi Bei stole the Canon of Wisdom from the secret palace hall of Mo Nu. Within were cast iron techniques, mathematics, astronomy and other developed ideas. It looked like the great iron bars were only halfway down and hadn't completely reached the bottom. Even in our wildest dreams we couldn't imagine what this giant amazing structure could be. Who made this?

These two long iron bars had been here since ancient times.

Xi Qi asked, "What are you thinking?"

After I recomposed myself, I said, "Father once read the Canon of Wisdom. He said that in the preface it mentioned that the Canon came from a long disappeared civilization that was far away. I wonder if these two giant bars came from that long lost civilization." Xi Qi nodded her head, "Or it just happened naturally."

I wanted to speak, but I felt something and turned my head suddenly.

On the hillside appeared a horse, as seven or eight riders sped down the hill whipping their horses.

Xi Qi said in a trembling voice, "It's that bastard."

A loud whistling noise was made by the rider. We weren't able to escape because we were completely surrounded. Among them was a tough looking Han. His coarse and tough looking appearance was completely add odds with his strange feminine voice as he spoke, "My little Xi Qi, why haven't you come to greet older brother?"

Another tall thin youth said sadly, "Sect Leader! I think your dream girl has already thrown her embrace to another man."

A large strong looking Han continued, "It looks like they are blushing in embarrassment, perhaps they just finished having a merry time in this field."

Xi Qi's dusty face was bright red as she shouted indignantly, "Why are you talking nonsense?"

In all they had seven people from ten to thirty years of age. They were carrying bow and arrows, throwing axes, whips, and other kinds of weapons. Their clothes were made of animal skins which was the typical attire for hunters at the edges of the empire. Out of the many people only the colonel wore a sword.

A sword is a very precious item, requiring precious metals to make and casting the sword is no easy matter. The colonel carried the sword, so it appeared that he was the leader of this group of young hunters.

The tall thin youth laughed, "Little *****! You dare say that bastard didn't grope you with his hands?"

Xi Qi was about to retort, but she was suddenly at a loss for words; She probably just remembered holding my hand as she pulled me along, or possibly the intimate situation when we were in the hiding place. She blushed deeply again as she avoided the tall youth's vision. She turned to me saying, "Walk! We don't need to try and argue with those bastards."

I silently followed her, copying what she did.

Loud hisses came from group.

The colonel's face was cold as ice, and his eye revealed a terrible light. He stared into my eyes as if he wanted to shoot fire at me.

I turned to look at Xi Qi, and it happened that she turned to look at me at the same time. Our four eyes gazed at each other until she lowered her eyes to the ground. Her shyness was beautiful to me. Even though we were surrounded and being watched by this group of fierce hunters, she still caused my mind to be intoxicated. I wondered if this is what it is like to be in love? It was shocking how beautiful the princess was, but she was simply unattainable. She probably only consented to let me be her future husband for purely political motives. Her father the emperor would do this to sell the seat of the chief general Lan Ling. My father already died in prison, and I escaped becoming a renegade. All of these things are in the past now and no longer of interest, but I am sure that I was no longer in the heart of the princess. Xi Qi was beautiful and gentle, at that point she looked like a small wildflower alone in the middle of a field.

"Hey!" a voice suddenly called me out of my reverie.

I looked to see who was shouting at me, but a small cold star flashed close to my face.

Unthinking I reached out my hand to grab it. It appeared to be the sharp top of a whip.

Just as I was thinking it would a perfect opportunity to do a sneak attack and pull him off the horse, I felt severe pain shoot from under my right arm to my hip. It made my body tremble, and I let the horsewhip go immediately.

I heard a sharp sound behind me. The severe pain still hadn't gone away, but I quickly tried to dodge to the left. On the back of my right shoulder I felt the sting of one after another whip, causing me to stagger. I almost fell to the ground, but a hand shot out and pulled me back up.

I stood up straight, grateful for the support from Xi Qi. I had no choice but to smile bitterly as if I hadn't felt anything at all. If I weren't injured how long could this group of hunters oppose me.

"Clang!" Xi Qi's sword left its sheath.

The sect leader said with a dark smile, "Younger sister this handsome boy is good to look at, but he is useless! Although he carries a sword on his back, he doesn't even have the strength to swing it."

The tall thin youth smiled saying, "Its only natural that we compare sect leader's sword to his sword and see which is bigger."

The tall thin youth's language was full of double meaing as he taunted them mercilessly.

The people in the group began to laugh. In this age power came from military might. Whoever had the sharpest sword, whoever had the best martial skill, whoever had the most power. They would be able to act as they please.

The foundation of the empire was established through military force.

The emperor was recognized as the most formidable swordsman, possibly better than my father, but those two never competed with each other. The emperor also wore a helmet and armor that were impenetrable to sword or spear, which he rarely took off. This caused him to act fearlessly.

Xi Qi's face was pale saying with a sinking voice, "If you do not make way, don't blame me for what my heartless sword will do."

The sect leader's two eyes stared coldly, "Fine! Now that you have a man you have no regard for me. Allow me to skin him alive. Then I will tie you up in bed and I guarantee that it'll be so good that you'll feel like dying and won't think of anyone else."

Originally I wanted to work out a peaceful resolution to this confrontation, but I was simply pushed beyond my limits of tolerance. Abruptly I shouted, "Shut up!"

Immediately seven people all concentrated on me.

The colonel shouted back, "Your cat is sick and wants to die, let me do the job for you."

*Clang!* The colonel raised his hand, drawing his sword wtih it.

Xi Qi tenderly grunted as she suddenly seized the inititave. She executed dozens of sharp strikes aimed at the colonel's legs and waist.

I secretly praised her while I secretly sighed at the same time.

I praised her because it was apparent from the speed and execution of the strikes that she had worked hard to master the true transmissions of her grandfather's unbeatable sword art. I sighed because her sword lacked the murderous intent that can only come from real combat experiences. You cannot win with a fearful mind, only with an imposing presence.

The colonel was still having a hard time dealing with her.

He cursed loudly as he chopped his sword down, but despite the strength and timing it was done extremely awkwardly.


The two swords met. The horse became frightened and reared up.

Xi Qi thrust her sword, piercing at the colonel again

I couldn't help but sigh again. If I were fighting right now I would have wounded the horse, but Xi Qi's merciful heart caused her to miss the opportunity.

A series of metallic collisions rang out as the dueling swords opposed each other.

Behind me I heard the crack of a whip again.

I shouted angrily as I reached behind me to draw my sword. The pain from my injuries made me powerless to even remove it from its sheath. Instead I rolled to the ground avoiding the chop of an axe behind me.

All seven of the enemy were moving, intent on killing me.


Startled, everyone stopped. A rider was quickly galloping towards us.

Qi Bei was coming.

"Grandfather!" cheered Xi Qi.

Qi Bei came on quickly with an expressionless face. By the time he was 10 paces away from the colonel his sword had already left its sheath. The colonel shouted angrily, "Exchange greetings first!" Cold light flashed.

"DANG!" The colonel's sword flew high into the sky and Qi Bei passed by the stunned colonel. He kept going full speed towards the net of people surrounding me, whips and axes went out to greet him.

Qi Bei snorted contemptuously. As if a sudden rainstorm arrived his sword flashed like the drops of rain. Several metallic rings were heard almost simultaneously.

The axes and whips all fell in succession as the group cried out in fear, cursing in anger. The colonel's followers retreated to the side one by one. From their hands, that carried their weapons, blood was dripping to the ground. From both sides horses jumped and neighed in fear creating a chaotic scene. I clearly saw every strike Qi Bei made. Every thrust, chop and strike were perfectly executed. Reflecting on my own progress I had to admit I still hadn't reached that level, but if we were to have a life and death duel I wouldn't necesarily lose either. That is because such battle isn't a contest of who can strike most perfectly, but you also need an iron will for fighting. In any case Qi Bei was an outstanding swordsman.

Qi Bei coldly looked at the colonel and shouted, "Leave! This is the last time I will let that "evil spirit" go. If I see any of you again, don't think about escaping a second time."

The colonel gazed at Qi Bei with his eyes full of hate. On his forehead was a cross shaped wound and blood flowed down his cheeks. It made him look more like a pitiful evil spirit. With a trembling lip and gasping in anger he wheeled his horse about and quickly galloped up the slope and over the mountain.

The rest of the group also left immediately and in an instant they had all vanished over the mountain.

Qi Bei said to me, "Your wound has opened up again. It will take several more days for you to recover."

Checking myself over I found several wounds where the blood was flowing freely, particularly the wound on my left thigh that I got from the leader of the Imperial Black Helmet Soldiers. In the future I will go back and pay elder brother back by killing him.

Blood demands a blood payment!

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